Ankit Saraf @vauntgarde
Some terms:
- Performance: How is my application's behavior
- Load: How will my application behave in Production
- Stress: Can my application handle a lot of users
- Scale/Capacity: How many servers do I need
In VS2013 there is a new project template called "Web Performance and Load Test Project". This project has a "Web test recorder" that records the interactions that a user makes while stripping out extra tags / cookies in the urls etc. These form tests that can be replayed. The tests can be parameterized using Context Parameters eg:
The recorded sessions can also be used to Generate code.
There is a New Load Test Wizard that has a number of steps to specify a load test. These include
Constant Load specifying the number of users
Step load specifying:
- Start user count
- Step duration
- Step user count
- Maximum user count
How should the test mix be modeled:
- Based on the total number of tests
- Based on the number of virtual users
- Based on user pace
- Based on sequential test order
The relative proportions of individual tests in a given load test can be specified.
A warm-up duration and run duration can be specified or Tests iterations
The Load test scenarios are presented in a tree view and the results in an html format